Life Groups at Rejoice Christian Church do 3 things:

  • Connect Christians with God through time together in the Bible, prayer, and other acts of communal worship.

  • Connect Christians with each other through breaking bread, fun activities, and small at-home settings.

  • Connect others with the Church. You don’t need to be a Christian to join a Life Group. If you are just wanting to know more about how Christians live out their faith in Jesus, a Life Group is a great way to observe the miracle of God’s community.

Connect to one of the groups below by sending an email to and just say you are interested in being contacted by a group leader (or several group leaders). All our groups are open and anyone is welcome to attend multiple groups to see where they feel most at home.

Aaron and Ashley

Mondays near Elmore/Abbott -
Aaron and Ashley

Thursdays near Service High School -
Jason and Jenny

Thursdays near Huffman/Lake Otis -
Dan and Brittany